A Few Accounting Certifications

http://www.accountingmajors.com/accountingmajors/articles/certifications.html Certified Public Accountant (CPA) With approximately 450,000 active CPAs in the United States, the CPA certification is the most popular professional designation for accountants. Earning the CPA designation is …

Systems Thinking Big or Small

The world runs on systems Systems do not just limit to computer or software products.  Systems take many forms.  Building digital corporation used to be only for the Big organizations.  …

Fiscal Close Accrual and Defer

https://financeandbusiness.ucdavis.edu/systems/kuali/fiscal-close/accrual-defer#def%20exp Accruals: revenue and expense paid next year but belongs to this year Deferred: revenue expense paid this year but belongs to next year Accruals: Accrued Expense (credit side) Used …